Conversation about What Matters
Coaching in Life and Business
Feeling stuck? At a crossroads in your career or emotional life? Even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times. Mark's career as a radio host across the US, and depth of personal ministry, has brought him to a unique position of life coaching and business "chaplain" if you will. Let his communication skills work for you.

It All Happened ...
You may have never considered reinventing the wheel, but have you ever needed to reinvent yourself? After decades in radio broadcasting and marketing, Mark found himself in a new chapter in life, ready for a reinvigorated challenge. Retirement was not in his vocabulary. He decided to bank on his creativity and communication skills, desiring to share his years of experience with the next generation. The Elfstrand Group was born.
Elfstrand Group
Moving People Forward
Need help to achieve your goals in life? I use an array of communication skills to provide coaching services that give you the tools for success. In addition to 1-on-1 consultations and group sessions, I regularly host workshops and seminars for people who are interested in developing their own coaching techniques.

Life Coaching Session
Many people in life struggle with the “why” questions. Why do I work so hard and not find it fulfilling? Why are my personal relationships not working out? Why are deeper level friendships missing from my life? And, of course, the big one: why am I here on this earth? Let Mark help you process these demanding life questions. Call now to schedule a session.

Speaking and Emcee Work
Fund raising. Emceeing your annual meetings or banquets. Pulpit fill in. Give him a topic, or leave it to him, when you need a communicator, Mark is on the job! And if you need coaching to become a better communicator, Mark can help.

Communication for Thought and Life Change
Moving People Forward. Check out the YouTube channel for recorded episodes. Mark brings laughter and wisdom to your life. Prefer a podcast? Look for Moving People Forward on iHeart Media, Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts or directly from Spreaker.

Media Consultation
Mark devoted 40 years of his career to radio. He can help you develop compelling programming for radio or podcasts. His expertise includes creative solutions in sales management and promotions. Mark can also address building value into a team.

Retreats and Seminars
Getting away gives fresh perspective, Mark can help in these areas in particular, but will customize to fit your need:
Church leadership retreats (half day, full day or 1.5 day)
Success on the High Cs (competence, character, etc)
Soulful Leadership (3 sessions)
10 Passions of a Man’s Soul

William James
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”